Monday, January 11, 2010

Quiet Snakes

As the House Cup gets larger and larger, we have more and more snakes that hang out in the dungeon and submit wonderful homework, but never have the time to get caught up with our conversations and say hello.  This term I'd like to focus on the quiet and busy snakes, and help us get to know them a little bit better.

First off is duckyknits, a first year.

DNAtheory: How did you find out about the House Cup?
Duckyknits: Somebody, I don’t remember who, posted a project of theirs in another group, stating that it was their Potions OWL. I couldn’t help but follow it back. As soon as I saw the Cup, I knew I wanted to join!

Are you a knitter, crocheter, spinner, weaver?
Pretty much a just a knitter. I’ve been knitting for a little over 3 years now, and I’m pretty much willing to try anything. The techniques I don’t know are mostly because I haven’t gotten around to them, rather than any active avoidance. I can work a drop spindle, but would love a spinning wheel.

What other crafts and hobbies do you love?
I love to read, above all. I’ve been reading since I was very young, so it’s been a lifelong passion of mine. I also love puzzles, which is part of why I love knitting. Trying to rework patterns and figure things out always feels like a new puzzle! Other than that, I love most things where I can work with my hands. Recently, I’ve been learning how to do stained glass.

What do you do when you’re not knitting?
I’m a grad student at the moment, so that takes up a huge chunk of my life. Other than classes and research, I like to hang out with my friends and play games, both video and tabletop. Also, I love to cook, especially for appreciative tasters! There’s a lot of satisfaction in making something delicious.

Do you knit for yourself or for other people?
I mostly knit for myself. Most people don’t appreciate the effort and cost that goes into a fiber craft. However, recently I’ve begun to make small projects, such as hats, for a select few.

What is your dream project?
Laura’s Cardigan has always blown me away, but I just haven’t made very many sweaters yet. (None, actually, but I’m working on one.) I’ve also had dreams of knee-high entrelac or argyle socks.

What project are you most proud of?
I love my Knotty Gloves. I’m also particularly fond of the Cthulhu I just made for class.

Where do you find inspiration for your crafting, besides the Potterverse?
I craft when something strikes me as being unique, and yet pretty or classy in its own way. I don’t make things that look like what you could find in a store, though I do try to make them as nice as possible. Sometimes it’s something I see on TV, sometimes while I’m browsing the internet, even if it’s not a knitting site. It just depends, I guess.

What are your crafting goals for this term?
I’m going to complete the Ultimate Quest Light+. I know I’ll accomplish more than the Quest Light, but less than the Ultimate Quest. I plan on completing the Ultimate Quest this summer when I’m not taking classes.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer questions, Duckyknits!

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